Asilo: ¿Se debe solicitar dentro del primer año de permanencia en Estados Unidos?

Solicitar Asilo en Estados Unidos es un proceso crítico para muchas ciudadanos que huyen de persecuciones en sus países de origen. Sin embargo, uno de los aspectos más cruciales de este proceso es el tiempo límite para presentar la solicitud.

Es determinante que los solicitantes presenten su solicitud de asilo dentro del primer año de su entrada a Estados Unidos.

The one-year period: A fundamental requirement

El primer punto que subraya nuestro abogado especializado Javier Montano es la importancia de solicitar asilo dentro del año posterior a la última entrada a Estados Unidos. Este periodo es fundamental y comienza a contarse desde el momento en que la persona ingresa al país.

The reason for this rule is to provide a clear time frame that allows authorities to evaluate and process applications efficiently.

Excepciones permitidas por la ley

Failure to meet the one-year deadline can have serious consequences for asylum seekers. Those who do not apply within this period may have their cases rejected, unless they qualify for one of the exceptions allowed by law.

This refusal can lead to deportation and the loss of any opportunity to remain legally in the United States.

Although the one-year deadline is a general rule, there are exceptions that may allow applicants to file their case outside of this period.

These exceptions, although not widely known outside the immigration field, are designed for special situations that prevent a person from requesting asylum within the stipulated time.

Changing circumstances in the country of origin

One of the most common exceptions concerns significant changes in circumstances in the applicant's home country.

For example, if the political or social situation suddenly deteriorates, creating new threats to the person, this may be considered a valid justification for requesting asylum outside the one-year period.

Exceptional personal conditions

Otra excepción puede ser una condición médica grave o alguna otra circunstancia personal significativa que haya impedido al solicitante presentar su caso a tiempo. Este tipo de situaciones deben ser claramente documentadas y justificadas ante las autoridades migratorias.

Ignorance of the law

In some cases, ignorance of the law or lack of access to appropriate legal advice may be a factor preventing applicants from submitting their application on time. However, this exception is more difficult to argue and generally requires strong evidence of lack of access to legal information and advice.

It is recommended that applicants seek expert legal advice to navigate this complex process and ensure their rights are protected. The key is to act promptly and understand the various options available within the United States immigration legal framework.
