PODCAST: ¿Cuáles son las razones más comunes para negar una visa?

El abogado de inmigración Javier Montano Miranda participó en el podcast Resonant, conducido por Luis Cantú, fundador de LPS Internacional.

Durante el EN VIVO, Javier Montano abordó diversos aspectos sobre las leyes de inmigración y las visas, aclarando dudas comunes y ofreciendo una visión experta sobre el proceso de solicitud y aprobación de visas en Estados Unidos.

La conversación giró, en buena medida, sobre las razones principales de negación de visas, así como los requisitos para diferentes tipos de permisos.

Una de las preguntas centrales del podcast fue si las autoridades encargadas de revisar las solicitudes de visas en Estados Unidos tienen una predisposición a negar estas solicitudes o si se mantienen «neutrales».

Nuestro director Montano, explicó que la postura de las autoridades depende en gran medida del tipo de visa que se esté solicitando y del perfil del aplicante.

Section 214(b): The main cause of denial

Montano explained that one of the most common reasons for visa denials is the applicant's inability to overcome the presumption of intent to permanently immigrate to the United States.

This presumption is established under section 214(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Under this section, nonimmigrant visa applicants must demonstrate that they do not intend to remain in the country indefinitely. If you cannot provide convincing evidence of your ties to your home country, such as stable employment, property, or family, your application will likely be denied under this section.

Educational and professional visa requirements

Another important topic discussed in the podcast was the qualifications needed to obtain different types of visas. Montano noted that not all professions automatically qualify for a visa. In many cases, applicants are required to have at least a bachelor's degree.

This is especially relevant for employment-based visas, where the applicant's educational level and professional experience play a crucial role in determining eligibility. However, there are specific visas for different educational levels and professional fields, each with its own requirements.

Types of visas and their characteristics

During the talk, Montano highlighted that there is no single visa that guarantees permanent residence in the United States. Each type of visa has its own characteristics and limitations.

Javier Montano Miranda's participation in the Resonant podcast provided valuable insight into the complex world of visas and immigration laws in the United States.

This conversation highlights the importance of being well-informed and prepared when applying for a visa, and of understanding the legal and practical implications of each type of visa available.
